I used more than one of the projected sight pictures to target the 6-inch Shoot-n-C circle came to the conclusion that I’m going to end up changing to another sighting rig on this rifle.

The Browning red-dot is great for what it is, but after finding out how accurate this gun/ammo combination can actually be, I want to see more and see better when aiming and firing it.

I’d mistakenly thought that the red-dot’s smaller circle image would frame the target shape for better center-point consistency, but the scale isn’t quite right.

A magnified optic is going to be necessary. The aesthetics are going to be a big hurdle to jump. This sleek, light rifle deserves complementary accessories.

Until then, I can keep practicing two-eyed sighting. And, boy, do I need the practice …

Starting on center-red, I checked the results after the first 10 shots and found that they were grouping on the high-left edge of the target circle. The rest of the shots were aimed at the 4 o’clock and 5 o’clock positions on the lower right edge. The grouping is nothing special, but it does confirm again that the rifle works (and the sight is good enough for what it is but not quite suited to the .17HM2’s potential).

That’s good to know after all this frustration with accuracy and aiming.

What a beautiful morning (the whole day)! The crisp air and raking breeze blusters made the light dance along the firing line, and the temperature brought out the best of the post-downpour, pre-spring smells of earth and moss and pines and dead oak leaves.

My shot o’the day is a tangible sign that I receive much more grace and mercy and plain-ol’lovingkindness than I deserve.

The Very Near Miss

While waiting for a time-lapse upload to finish today, I decided to warm up with a few shots at a high-caliber spinner target of thick steel. It did not at all occur to me that its location and angle in relation to the angle and location of my time-lapse rig put my phone in harm’s way from fragmentation and ricochet.

But it did.

And I found that out when I came back to the target line and found that my screen protector had taken two hits. Of course, on first glance it looked like the glass itself had been smashed.

What a relief to see that even the scuffs wiped off!

Like I say: I’m a regular target of God’s grace, and I get hit with it very often– always a bull’s eye.

Happy Valentine’s to me, for sure.