On a whim, I decided to make it a one magazine day — plus one in the chamber. With 16 shots to spend, I set up a sheet of Birchwood-Casey paper and my time-lapse rig and went to work from my increasingly well-worn and cartridge-covered position out beyond the 20-foot line.

I keep forgetting to pause longer between shots to allow more time for the camera, but I liked the results just fine even though they went off pretty quickly. But the pictures do show that my first two shots shared part of the same hole, and I’m very glad to see that the practice IS producing improvement.

By actual width, the total spread is smaller than the 9-ring and all shots are 8s or better. The LaserMax light was plain to see today, so those old batteries are still cookin’ after all.

I may have to watch this video a few times to get the most out of the sight of one of my best ever center-of-center shots. That is definitely shot o’the day, and it may rank as shot o’the week and/or month …

This practice session was fun, fast and fulfilling. Just the right way to wrap up my Glock week and turn my attention to another “thunder-stick.”

For what it’s worth, this is the first post that I’ve developed and completed using only my iPhone and the WordPress app. The video upload didn’t take for some reason, so I grabbed the URL from my YouTube channel (onegunadayguy) and sent the whole post out into the digi-world.